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Your power transformers. Your way. 



Reconditioning After
Fire Damage Brings
Transformer Back to Life

The Client
An investor-owned utility that serves more than 500,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers. The company generates more than 3,000 MW of power for a service territory that covers 528 square miles.
Fire 2.2


Fire 4.2


The Challenge
Internal wear and tear caused a bushing to explode and catch fire on a 24/32/40 MVA 138—13.8Y ASEA transformer with LTC. As a result, the unit dropped suddenly from 138,000 volts to 30,000 volts. Inspection determined that the fire was the result of internal wear and tear rather than any external charge. The utility considered scrapping the equipment but approached Jordan Transformer looking for other options.
The Solution

The transformer’s leads were melted, which prohibited testing, but the interior of the transformer looked clean. In addition, the core and coils passed testing and did not show any damage, so Jordan Transformer suggested a remodel rather than a total replacement. Jordan engineers sandblasted the tank and installed a new LTC and controls, new wiring, and new bushings, gauges, fans, and conduit. The team of Jordan experts also cleaned, pressure checked, and painted the radiators.

Because Jordan was able to recondition the transformer, the unit was back in service quickly and is still running. This is one of two projects for this client on which Jordan Transformer was able to recondition a transformer, saving the client money and delivering enhanced performance.

Fire 1.2


Fire 6.2


The Takeaway

Jordan Transformer engineers provide their best, expert opinion for every project that comes their way. These seasoned engineering experts carefully examine the situation and determine the best course of action based on the structural integrity of the unit and the source and extent of the failure. In this case, the expert insight that Jordan provided saved the client time and money and returned a robust, fullyfunctioning transformer to service.

Fire 2.2
Fire 3.2
Fire 4.2
Fire 5.2
Fire 1.2
Fire 6.2
Fire 7.2
Coil Failure Creates Opportunity
to Increase Capacity
Remanufacturing to achieve new
voltage composition

We are here to help

Tell us about your transformer needs. We would love to answer your questions!