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Your power transformers. Your way. 


Our Legacy

Our Founder - Dick Ames


Dick’s generous heart often outshone his larger-than-life personality. Through Ames Construction, he provided financial support, volunteered countless hours, and contributed pro bono construction work to important community causes. His commitment extended to investments in Jordan Transformer, local ice rinks, schools, and churches. Today, our Board of Directors and Executive Team continue to uphold his legacy, ensuring Jordan Transformer’s ongoing success.

Dick Ames Founder of Jordan Transformer
Tom Moore
Board of Directors
Lara Ames
Board of Directors
Shawn L. Dahl
Board of Directors
CEO - Jordan Transformer
John Pollock
Executive Team
CFO - Jordan Transformer
Daniel Wattenhofer
Executive Team

The Ames Family's Community Impact
Jordan Transformer's Executive Team
CEO - Jordan Transformer
John Pollock III
Executive Team
CFO - Jordan Transformer
Daniel Wattenhofer
Executive Team
More about our CEO, John Pollock

John Pollock brings international and executive experience related to Jordan Transformer’s line of business having worked as Managing Director of BF Goodrich Aerospace, Inc. – UK, a leading manufacturer of mission critical aircraft sensors and systems supporting global Aerospace industries; President, CEO & Board Director of Aetrium, Inc. – U.S, a manufacturer of specialty automation equipment and test instrumentation used in Semiconductor industry, and Automation Solutions President of PaR Systems, LLC and Officer of PaR Systems (PTY) LTD, – U.S., an innovation partner of custom robotic automation equipment solutions used in Aerospace and Industrial markets.

Pollock has an established record for demonstrating success in sustainably growing businesses in various markets and customer forward approach. His global development and leadership experience, competitive and profitable business strategies, and advanced product line extensions and technological innovation, maximize JT's inherent value.